
खोज नतीजे

सोमवार, 2 मई 2016

Solah Khamb KOTRA- 17th Century

Solah Khamb is situated 10 Km from south of Narsinghgarh at KOTRA and Made by Raja Syam Singh ji Khichi at 1700 A.D. as heard by local people. Solah Khamb was in 16*16 Matrix and Fire Looks from Long way and got popularly on that time, Mugal Haji wali Heard about it and Attack to destroy it,the King SYAM SINGH fight agents Haji Wali and died in an encounter with a mughal soldier of Haji Wali. After that wife of Syam Singh ji made Sanka-Syam ji Temple for his Memory.Kotra is on the fringe of forest and some old Shikargarh (hunting place) are well laid out.

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